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Dedicated Listening Rooms
For those who want to build a dedicated space from scratch, it’s one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. In a home that I built in the late 90’s, I designed the entire house around the dedicated listening room! A simple 15K dollar sound system even sounded great in it! When you build a room with the correct room ratio’s, address resonance, first reflections, proper acoustics, how to tame windows properly and still look good, room furnishings, reverb……etc, it’s magical!! Your audio buddies will always want to jam at your place.

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Dedicated Listening Rooms FAQs
Great Question! Most of the time I find folks not giving the noise floor the attention it deserves. For example, even well-seasoned audiophiles have just grown accustomed to hearing the HVAC noise. Attacking noise floor issues is sometimes very challenging but yields great rewards!
If you have a highly resolving system, you most certainly can reap the benefits of the downloads offered today over streaming solutions. You will notice a difference right away in the low-level detail. It will spoil you quick! That said, I still stream the vast majority of my tunes. I have lots of LP’s and CD’s, but I’m quite happy with the flexibility of streaming.
That depends on your total investment in your sound system. For less than $15K of audio, you will likely be just fine with a sub $1000 DAC. My current DAC retail was only $5K. Did it make a huge difference in my system? No. But enough of a difference for me to justify the cost for sure! On the other hand, I have friends with $20K DAC’s and their $150K+ system’s sounds amazing! But at this level, my $5K DAC would show it’s weakness. I’m back to “That Depends”!
For a highly resolving system, ultra important. On a basic level, the difference the right amp/speaker relationship is huge. For costly systems, I will step out on a long plank and say that cables and interconnects most certainly play a part in the end result of what comes out of your speakers. I’ve heard it too many times to deny it!
Wow! That is a deep pool and will likely net me a few comments. For ME, isolation works in all cases up to a point. But mechanical draining of resonance seems to be more effective. For more on that topic… write me!